sábado, 29 de marzo de 2008


This week I heard a new at bbc news about a great researching about a lot of current inventions which will help to the diabetics people to avoid the painful insulin injections.
I was really surprised while I was listening that new which is about a new invention which would help to daibetic people to avoid having to give themselves injections.An automatic insulin pump is already available, which means that fewer injections are needed. The needle is sited under the skin, and it only needs to be changed every few days.
It's connected to a small electrical pump that is situated to a belt or waistband. When insulin is needed, the user presses a button and insulin is liberated through the needle.
Other important advances which have been studied are painless ultrasonic injections baut the problem is that are really expensive.
Pancreatic cell transplantation from someone without diabetes are transplanted into someone with diabetes, are already showing good results in scientific studies.
I think that is really great all this kind of inventions and researches because so many people nowadays are affected by diabetes, abd it will help them to treat it as painlessly as possible.


Hi teacher how I had promised you I rented that movie yesterday (friday)and today I'm sending you my coments about that funny movie.
That movie was about a police woman (ED) and a thief called HI, this man was a bad thief because every time he tried to commit a crime he was caught by the police and had to enter to the jail for a short period of time because he only stole little stores, but the good thing for him was that in the jail knew to ED who was the woman that take him the pictures fot the file.
ED and HI fell in love and decided to get married, but they couldn´t have babies so they decided to robber one of the "quintillizos" of one important local man to star with their own family. A funny parte was when Hi enter to take one of the children but he couldn´t decide one bab so he put in the floor the kids and all of them started to creep all around the room and he couldn´t control them so finally he put all of them back into their cradle and return with Ed but without any baby.
Finally they got a baby and they start to educate him, one day a couple of Hi`s friends went out ofrom the jail and started to live with Ed and Hi but after a lot of weirds events they realizad that they had stolen the baby and after that they kidnapped the baby and took with them to rob a bank but after they had finished the robbery they realized they had left the baby behind.
I think this movie is really funny because included a lot of adventures of tne main characters and all the thinks that a couple is able to do when they want to be parents, I think that the sweet part is the fact that Hi was able to correct his mistakes and did the right things for love and Ed all the time was supporting him.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008

BBC NEWS "Six-minute nap 'may boost memory"

This new was really interesting I was searching a good notice and I found that one where the specialist in memoty said that even the shortest naps may be enough to improve performance in memory tests, say German scientists.
In the news said that the most important is not the time you can take for your nap the important is that you rest in the afternoon taking a nap and you feel better, they demonstrates for the first time that a longer sleep episode provides a most effectiveimprovement in memory.
This Kind of researches are really useful because we can be sure taht taking a nap was really healthy for our brain and specially for our memory,,, so now you Know if you wanna be better with your memory take a nap everyday.

Coment about BBC new "Alcohol 'quickly' cuts heart risk"

I listened a new about a investigation which founded that non-drinkers can quickly reduce their risk of heart disease by introducing a daily tipple to their diet. That research was done for researchers of south Caroline University and tney found that those who drank only wine showed the most benefit.
The results came from a study of 7,500 people taking part in a study to look for risk factors for atherosclerosis and they discovered that wine can avoid the hardening of the arteries.
I was really surprised while I was listening that because almost all the time we think that alcohol can not to bring anything good to us , but we now know that can have just a little benefit. Despite that alcohol is not a medicine and it should not be used as an alternative.
"Non-drinkers should not take alcohol to protect their heart based on this study alone."